He may be in denial forever
but all of these women didn't
make up any bit of their
horror show stories of Cosby
run-ins! And another thing for sure
is that he's NOT so Far from Finished at all.
The Summary
This is my final Bill Cosby post. I'll be all Cosbied out after this one. My mind will be on other things after this but I did find 55 women who cried out for help publicly in some way after an evil Cosby molestation. If you include PJ Marsten's 12 other bunnies then the grand total is 67 known victims!Now Camille, more than likely, knew he was always this playboy horndog type that could never give up his girls on the side totally. The one thing I pray she had no clue about was the drugging and that his extramarital fooling around was nonconsensual. How are Cosby's rapes any different from an egomaniac slave owner back in the day with secret "illegitemite" children here and there?
How is he different from young jocks on campuses across this wacky country that don't understand that no means no for real?! Isn't the song blurred lines about how no could mean yes?
The issue of rape is hot right now. An example
has to be set. Enough is enough. This can not be
a family friendly blog because our issues are adult material. We need to deal with all this crap before are children grow old enough to comprehend what a huge mess they've been handed.
Sometimes the truth can set us free and other times it sets the bad guys behind bars. We can't allow college campus rape or drug/alcohol issues to be swept under the rug, and that goes for the much greater number of non-students with these types of problems, AND even for the comparatively minute number of celebs with these very same issues. Whether homeless or royalty no one is above the law. We must all take responsibility for our own actions no matter what our religion or how we were brought up.
I have been a fan of Democracy Now (on college radio). The other day I lost some faith in their reporting accuracy when they mentioned Bill Cosby and how over 20 had publicly accused him and at least 2 lawsuits.... Well it is over 55 women that have publicly each shared their own ugly Cosby scenario. It's not gossip or made up. There are 3 lawsuits currently and the LAPD investigation and yet some think because the gang rape article about U of Virginia campus student. being falsified that somehow diminishes Cosby accusations. Camille Cosby just spoke out publicly to say all kinds of dismissive stuff like this. Deny everything- is that your plan? What about Temple University, Spelman College, U Mass Amherst, or even THE NAVY cutting ties all over what the Cos called innuendoes?!?
How terribly discouraging to see Camille so hopelessly devoted still. This is how it was & is.
My efforts feel wasted here and I do believe I've changed my mind entirely.
The topics list at the top of this post will not be discussed by me on this blog on this site. It's just not set up here for such mature & sensitive issues. And now the # of accusers is diminishing in the general media?!!? Bullshit. Of course his family will stand up for him (no one wants to get cut out of mr. money's will). Apparently his wife and daughter were not on the receiving end of the nastiness from this Dr. Cosby & Mr. Hide. To each his own.
Some celebrities think they're straight up American royalty. This ain't no monarchy. We don't need to own TVs anymore. Obama's one of the best presidents in our county's history. Yet folks (black males especially) need role models for the future that are positive for all parties involved.
Time to represent like never before seen.
In conclusion:
My blog here will only be about Bill Cosby- THEE serial rapist.
Any time I find new shit to throw in- these six original pages will be added to- I'm figuring 6 is the appropriate number since many consider it the devil's number. Man oh man we live in barbaric times.
Three cheers to Chloe Goins for stepping out with her 2008 incident- solidarity RAINN down!
Also a special thanks to Sammy Davis Jr.'s "road wife"; Katherine Mckee and anyone else willing to talk openly about it. This is a very difficult step.
Two more women join Tamara Green in her defamation suit which is awesome. Of course, Marty Singer is expected to win for his filthy wealthy client. He always does: Stallone, Charlie Sheen... They just go on in and buy everybody on out ---right on out of their way--- even if that means putting the accusers in prison! The judges and jury are still willing to be bought out and so history repeats itself once again sadly. I'm having deja vu.
Yet he's still days away from his next stand up comedy show!?!
I've heard through the information superhighway that some folks are driving to Canada for protest staging. I hope There's More people outside than inside. At least one of his victims is from Canada and there is no statute of limitations law for rape cases there in Canada!
Bundle up- time to polish those public speaking skills.
Phylicia Rashad loves Bill and thinks its a conspiracy to disempower the man. She was questioned last night briefly when it was no surprise at all she defended him and the Cosby Show. Let me tell you- the Cosby Show family was not representing any American family I was aware of! Originally Bill wanted the mother and father figures of the show to be much lower class than a lawyer and a doctor. They maybe represented what we now call the 1% and that wasn't like anyone I had in my life growing up. Besides, Cosby turned her and countless other women into a rich bitch.
Who would jeopardize that opportunity?
Wish I could hop a plane to Ontario tonight. I'd show up with my protest pants on & a big grin.
A few dozen were out there in below zero temperatures!?!
wow. These are brave & frozen warriors y'all- amazing.
Hoping the numbers outside at least double each of the next 2 following nights.
This man will be held accountable.
Another development today (1/7/2015) was in 3 more Cosby victims breaking the silence by joining Gloria Allred's case --- those new names will be added to my list on page (post) two.
Very impressive was the fact that Voices Carry held an alternative art event to attend instead of the protested Cosby venue. Located a few blocks away from the area- I read- the newly arisen event was a fund raiser! Awesomely quick thinking & planning from the people who run that organization in reaction to the news of Cosby's 3 Ontario shows not being cancelled. The VOICES CARRY happening included talks, entertainment, and live music! GO Canada! So cool.
Cosby say the darndest things...
+ The audience began to react as security moved in. Cosby said to the crowd: "Stop it! Stop it! ... Be quiet now. It's all right. Just have patience. All right."
+ "You've got to be careful about drinking around me."
+ When the audience was slow to laugh at a joke, he remarked: "No! Too late! Security: Remove these hecklers!"
= Canada on Jan.8
What a funny guy.
Can't wait to see the darn quotes from tonight's (Jan 9th) show.
Dirty old man.
A Saudi blogger who was sentenced in May to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes will be publicly flogged after Friday prayers outside a mosque in the Red Sea!This is the type of image I had in mind when I decided to call this site FlogBlog but now that it's actually happening somewhere in the world it seems so medieval & old school as far as punishments go.
The behavior of the Cos as the accused rapist is so textbook. First big move: blame the victim and sully their reputation however possible. That is exactly what he's trying to do with his lawyers. He'll play that move as log as he can. A man with his kind of power is scary like a dictator. At last night's London show is a prime example. He has everyone in that building under his command. How many armed in uniform cops and security attended? Same number as the audience? He was orchestrating them- laugh now, be quiet now..... Control freak comes to mind......well, well, well... While I thought the trio of Canada shows would be the final pushing of the boulder off the Cliff so to speak- the time is not quite here yet apparently. But--- three days away comes the biggest push we've seen. On Jan 17th in Denver, Colorado at both 5pm and 8pm Mr. Bill is planning on performing his comedy act! Showing up at least an hour early will be Gloria Allred along with a team of rape educators to form Teach In Speak Up. There is another exciting group called Turn Back Cosby that will be there too. I've read that 3000 tickets are sold already. Wondering how many seat holders are not going to laugh?
Gotta beef up that obedient security task force you got there billy boy!
Seriously people- Cosby is the most cushioned individual ever. I mean that in every sense possible! People say he doesn't seem worried, he's acting arrogant, and literally joking about it. Seems obvious at the same time that he is petrified enough for his life to arm his posse to the teeth and have enough of them to take over the town if necessary.
If he really cared about his family so much he wouldn't have acted so crazy all these many years to begin with. He's not home ensuring their safety when he's out there currently doing these shows with some weird death wish or somethin'. He shunned his daughter for how many years until his son's funeral?!? Did Camille also shun her? That's what I want to know.
great news today:
Chloe Goins was 18 at the time of the alleged incident at the Playboy Mansion, which could be the first case to fall within the statute of limitations allowing a prosecution to be brought, said lawyer Spencer Kuvin. "That is up for the police to determine, but we believe that it does fall within the statute for California," Kuvin told AFP, while declining to say how long that statute would be for the alleged offense. Speaking earlier after accompanying his client to Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) headquarters, he told reporters: "Miss Goins and I are here for two reasons -- for justice and for accountability. "Apparently Mr. Cosby feels brazen enough and confident enough in his actions to make jokes at some of his shows about the 25-plus women that have now come forward. Miss Goins is certainly not joking," he added.
(above paragraph is a direct copy/paste from an msn article)
Pueblo, Colorado peaceful protestor. I love this sign.
From the articles I've seen- at least 25 protestors were outside last night but none inside?!
So tonight with the 2 Denver shows he should finally be brought down. Another option is tomorrow's show in CA! He is very close to being FINISHED. Dirty fucking perve. Cosby is not family friendly when he's being his real true self. Of course he didn't act like a raper around his TV wife or his real life real life wife- of course. That would have gotten him caught immediately thus ending his serial behavior he was already addicted to. He started the "spanish fly" routine (as he would call it) before marrying and never gave it a rest until maybe after 2008- maybe!
Marty "the legal pit bull" Singer is one of Bill's lawyers. Notice how he had a fleet of lawyers all ready to go- he had already needed their defense and protective shield in the past. Well, Marty is the big time celebrity bully lawyer- the big gun. His daughter makes jewelry for celebrities, his son makes the X-MEN movies, and he represents them in court. The celebrities are their clients or customers that they make their BIG money from. These people have no idea what the word poverty means. Seems Singer would crush most anyone just to not lose his case.
Let us look at Marty Singer's son Bryan for a moment..........
He made the big X-MEN movies and Usual Suspects bla bla bla --- amongst all his many favorite activities was enough sexual deviance for details to eventually makes it's way to a lawsuit. He was sued last spring by the beautiful actor Michael Egan due to rapes and much more!
The allegations were from 15 years previous and wouldn't you know that Bryan was represented by none other than his lawyer dad Marty in the case! That's what I've read. He probably didn't even get a spanking. He just had a baby with his wife and doesn't flaunt any kind of gayness anymore if he still has gayness.......
This is Bryan Singer:
and this is Michael Egan (a rape victim of Bryan's):
The son of Cosby's big mouth lawyer Singer got away with rape because his DAD (Marty Singer) could represent the Devil in his next hot shot big money celebrity case and win no matter what.
They are in some evil clusterfuck of a club where anything goes at the right price tag.
From MSN:
The Modesto Bee reports Cosby was greeted warmly and left with a standing ovation at Turlock Community Theatre. Only one protester showed up to Cosby's comedy tour stop in the Central California city.
"It's sad. I am very disappointed there aren't more people. But someone has to stand up so I came," said Suzette Sims, 51, who came with a sign that read "I Believe The Women."
This is more depressing than how we lost dear Robin Williams.
Great article about an article that analyzes Cosby's biggest books:
Also, Cindra Ladd will be added to my LIST on page 2 and I'll adjust the count for anyone willing to come out and speak of their trauma.
Why can't all these victims just organize to meet at his next show (Sandusky 1/30/15) tomorrow night and collectively they stare him down? Without saying anything at all I bet they could break him down. Silence can be deafening.
So he used a decoy for last night's show in Ohio....
What's his plan of evasiveness for next sunday- Feb 8th- he has TWO shows in Boston?
As we know he lives in Massachusetts, and we also know he didn't lift a fat finger to shovel any kind of snow from the last major storm or maybe ever in his life! He wasn't born rich & privileged yet he found a way to move into that circle of people early in life. And if you look at the origins of his comedy you can see it's not family friendly and it is very adult.
He was always striving for the money- still is. Every step was to secure his place in those wealthy cushy circles of people. Marrying Camille was yet another chess move towards his money gain. That fact that he's continuing to put on comedy shows and even joke about the accusations during.... that makes his underlying greed really evident!!!
He was always striving for the money- still is. Every step was to secure his place in those wealthy cushy circles of people. Marrying Camille was yet another chess move towards his money gain. That fact that he's continuing to put on comedy shows and even joke about the accusations during.... that makes his underlying greed really evident!!!
Today is superbowl sunday. In one week, Cosby has two performances in Boston and I'm hoping this will be the last straw for his damn shows that are still going on! He had a body double on salary so he could safely escape the last show of his but next sunday's show.......
he'll need more than one double to escape! I just have a feeling. Shit will hit the fan & he will drop.
BOSTON was going to be the last straw. Two back to back shows Cosby cancelled yesterday due to weather. I think that the social climate was the real reason.
A new accuser stepped forth yesterday morning. Helen is added to my list and she used the perfect word in describing Bill's threats to do more shows--- ARROGANT!
Once again, a beautiful young aspiring talent forever scarred by the perversion that is Bill Cosby.
He'll be back to raise the roof with laughter?!? You were never that funny to begin with and you certainly aren't funny at all anymore! Joking about your "rape situation" at recent shows-- yea, damn hilarious. It isn't even new for Cosby to work date rape via drugging into his act. No- several articles have now been written online that draw on direct quotes from his books and stand up before all the different transformations of the Cosby show..... and really since he started his "comedy acts" he has talked about "spanish fly" or "american fly" as he's called it.
Someone arrest him!
He's a bad bad man and so is his lawyer.
Maybe he's just waiting to get tackled be a gigantic mob of mostly females- they'll just crush him into a little pile of dust- what a way to go!
I read he was considering leaving Mass to live in Manhattan. He should be considering moving to an uninhabited island somewhere not in this country if he's trying to make it out of this crap storm he's created alive!
You know, people who do this kind of shit usually have humungous porn stashes at home, especially if their house (in Shelbourne Mass. for Cosby) is where they've done a large portion of their druggings & rapes.
Really? This behavior of Cosby's has been out in the eye of the general public knowledge
since Thanksgiving, we are in March now, and Cosby "responds to allegations" like this:
(from MSN)
The video also came with a message from Cosby that reads: "Dear fans, I hope you enjoy my wonderful video message that's filled with laughter... Hey, hey, hey, I'm far from finished."
Friday (5/15/2015) and Cosby drops mention of his sex scandal on Good Morning America!
"Reality is the situation. And I can't speak." These are his words. He didn't have any issues
with speaking during any of those dates on his Far from Finished tour. He incorporated the hecklers comments and all right into his comedy act. And he got paid while doing it. He got away with it again as he's used to. More of the interview will play tonight on Nightline.
Idiots rule.
*An update on 10/9/2015--- today is the day when Cosbone goes to court-oh! oh snap. Two days ago there was a triumphant super lawyer victory for Gloria Allred which stopped the dismissal of the case and will allow for all the prosecution we are about to witness in days to come.
For every single unsuspecting victim of his, there are hundreds of thousands of rape victims for each and every Cosby victim, thousands of folks all over the world who believe your story fully and support all aspects of recovery and healing for you!!!
Millions march............
peaceful protests.................
& bless your souls!
Stay safe.
Is he the devil or ghost dad?
To sum up my Bill Cosby blog here: he has to be guilty of some nasty shit at this point,
I think he should be tried and jailed, NOT being allowed to continue his comedy tour, or dismiss anyone outside his little bubble as he is now!
I'm sick of blogging about him because it's so unfun. My hope is that the info I've put together helps someone who has the power to put this nightmare to an end.
I'll be focusing on my more positive blogs after today. It's been interesting.
Sherleylock away!
We out.