Nobody wants your yucky pudding pop -you sick raunchy liar!
As I was watching the lovely mix of small songbirds co-mingling around the sunflower seed feeder just the other day it got me thinking. There were so many of them, with the variety of species growing, and the weather wasn't even being slightly friendly! But there they all were; flapping & tweeting, busy & happy, so I started counting them.........20, 21, 22..... over two dozen!!! Wait a minute, since public allegations had emerged against Cosby I'd been making a list, and I had the same number of names on my list. Over 24 is a lot of friggin' birds!!!
Never thought I'd scribe an opinion blog but I'm sick of my own silence in life. A person like me can be serious as Kancer when need be & I should be sharing to help humanity. Use that voicebox! When I'm done with Cosby I will move on to the next subject. His silence on the matter is deafening and says so much, if you get my drift. How dare you accuse me of such things! There has been no none of that. If you watch the last interview he did with Jimmy Fallon this past August you can see he's the same old perv as always. He is an obvious control freak (you could ask the Cosby show writers about that) and some kind of mightier-than-thou preacher still bringing up sex at 77!
"oh yes I know....Change gonna come..."
A little Sam Cooke music quote about hope & truth right there!Change is inevitable. We are going to make it happen for the better because we can't take any worse.
I listened to that old Spanish Fly (in Spain they call it the American Fly) routine Bill used to do. The audience is just laughing it up- but it was 1969- as he jokes about his fascination with drugging womens' drinks to make them easy and sleazy. He says he heard of this said type of behavior at age 13 and the name of that album was It's True It's True. Has he been acting on these twisted fantasies since that young of an age?!? Anything's possible.
When I first started compiling my own list of accusers, it was to see if I could get a bigger number than TMZ or PerezHilton honestly. Everyone had a different victim count and I wanted to see if I could be more thorough.
A Moment of Silence ... for the Bill Cosby we once knew...
Exactly what I was just thinking of all day when it came out that night Chris Rock made a similar comment during an interview. Small world.My big prediction is that the age of accountability starts FOR REAL in 2015. We shall no longer tolerate abuse of any form while the antagonist power ego trips all over the floor trying to do that same old damn routine.
In 1997, just after Ennis Cosby's death, Bill had a 2 & 1/2 hr interview with Dan Rather. They mostly talked of the son's death but then quickly at the end to the charges of Autumn Jackson being a biological daughter. Bill admitted to Dan his affair with Autumn's mother and that it was a distinct possibility!!! Both woman were sent to jail for extortion. The TV station execs were intensely pressured until they promised never to air that interview. Bill was never blood tested for paternity.
Why can't we just get Autumn Jackson and he to fully comply with DNA testing? This is 2014 people- we have to move with the speed of technology here. If this proves she is his biological daughter then we have hard evidence and then we can really listen closely to the allegation details from each woman. But we won't be listening to Bill no more- no.
Mr. Bill is going to stay
quiet now. You go back
into your little crabshell
now boy. Jokes are on
you now. Your last show
you did was your last
show. All others will be
cancelled due to your
ignorance is bliss selfish
Greedy bastard!
Let us compare these 2 photos above here. On the left we have my fave pic of Erinn Cosby at 23 and on the right, with striking resemblance, is Autumn Jackson Cosby at 22. They could be twins!
You can't tell me they don't look alike.
Well Cosby's power and money sent Autumn to jail for extortion along with her mother (that he had admitted to being with). He snapped his fingers and they were out of his hair. And Erinn is the daughter he threw under the bus by exposing her drug addictions to cover his own sex/rape addiction!
She later reconciled somehow with him and ended up illustrating lots of his children's books for him.
Two particular titles really stand out in my memory:
My Big Lie & Money Troubles.
Hopefully my own powers of observation can open some new doors. Mr. Bill is nearly blind now from a rare form of glaucoma but he's always bee blind to the trail of pain he caused. He doesn't feel their hurt. He is hopelessly lost in digression and his façade!
Seemed like he was feeling perfectly healthy to me in the Fallon interview a couple months before Hannibal Burgess and "the joke" and the NPR interview (which I had been listening to and got shivers when he was asked the scandal question- that moment sparked my interest). Forget the African art collection is right! We want to know who Cosby really is. The truth is not the image of role model and ideal dad he portrayed as an actor.
Dirty rotten scoundrel that must be stopped is who he is. Less and less people will find him funny now and less and less will let him blab or mumble on forever without interrupting.
He wore so many masks depending on who he was hangin' with. Moody, unpredictable and sometimes scary- how deep do we want to go with our Mr. Bill discoveries?
Watch out- here comes the ladies' man.
Quite an actor, he is, but no longer funny.
He's no longer innocent either- after 3 dozen plus women have come forth to tell of scary similar Bill Cosby rapes. As I write this bit- we have already travelled from before Thanksgiving to the day after Valentines Day without any Cosby accountability.
This is due largely to his kiss ass celebrity lawyer Marty Singer whom I discuss more in depth in post #6.
Bill's got all these "concerts" STILL scheduled for 2015 on his website despite the venues that have smartly dropped him.
All those shows should be cancelled by now. He started his Far from Finished tour in Canada-- joking about the accusations and acting like- "what's all the big hubbub?".....
Flo Jo!
Next post....
We should probably get to my list (with pics) before more commentary. Each woman on this list was somehow sexually molested or used by Bill Cosby and had the courage to warn the world about him by recalling the nightmare scenario.
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